
Sunday, October 20, 2019

2019-20 STEAM Lab week 8

Last week of the first rotation!

The final set of K-4th grade classes came to the lab and were introduced to, Wonderopolis, and the science shadow theater. The second group of 5th graders worked through the stations and challenges for the Illuminated Art unit. This group chose Van Gogh’s CafĂ© Terrace at Night for their collaborative collage project. They had a lot of success with the sketching, circuit building, Snap Circuits, and Little Bits station activities.
Due to the half day schedule disruptions we had Free Build Thursday!

Eco-Schools USA:
Green Heroes hosted a big, group campus clean-up on Monday with 6 classes participating. They did a fantastic job and collected 4 large bags of trash! Monarch Heroes launched their Monarch Money drive! They decorated envelopes to go home with their funds solicitation and the envelopes are already starting to come back! Thank you to everyone supporting their projects! Our 2nd grade Recycling Team continues to work hard every week collecting the bins and taking them out every week. They are excited to start the “education” phase of their project next week!

No Place For Hate:
Our student No Place For hate coalition met to do final prep for our first campus-wide event, “You Belong Here”. They collaborated with Ms. Dale, our campus expert on restorative circles, to create the classroom pre- & post- event discussion materials. We practiced leading the sessions and then they distributed the schedules and prompts to the classes. Thursday morning, we reconvened across from the cafeteria with 200 puzzles pieces, the heart base, and two dozen bottles of glue!
It was a fantastic event! Students loved watching the heart take shape as each member of our community added their piece to the picture. The message the students wanted to share with this event was that every single piece is needed to make a complete picture. Each piece is unique, but a part of the whole. The pieces don’t interlock because you don’t need to make yourself “fit in” to be part of the picture. Everyone placed their piece exactly where they wanted it to be and it all came together beautifully!

Arts Connect Creative Campus:
We had a couple of fantastic arts partner events this week! Houston Grand Opera’s Opera to Go was on campus Friday to perform Strega Nona for 4th grade and the other half of 5th grade. Again, a fantastic show and the students loved it! 
Mr. Paul from Houston Ballet was back Friday as well, this time to present a Ballet Talk to half of 4th grade! The students learned about the key elements of ballet, examined gorgeous costumes up close, and were given a behind the scenes look at Cinderella.
3rd grade finished up our thank you card for Houston Ballet's Studio Series, and I was able to drop that off at the Center for Dance Friday afternoon as well!

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