
No Place for Hate

No Place For Hate

Event 1 - You Belong Here

Resolution of Respect

Congratulations to the whole Piney Point community for achieving No Place For Hate status for our 7th consecutive year! We will be forming the new coalition and organizing campus activities for the new school year in September. If you or anyone you know would like to be part of this amazing group, leave a message for Ms. Boyce in the office.

No Place For Hate


Ally Puzzle

This is an activity suggested by the ADL's No Place For Hate resource page that the student coalition selected:
 "Lead a discussion about what bullying is and explore what ally behavior looks, feels and sounds like. As a follow-up to this conversation, have each student draw on a piece of paper one ally behavior they commit to doing more of in the future. Have each student present their drawing to the rest of the class and add it to the other drawings with tape so students can see the importance of being interconnected with their peers. This puzzle can be displayed in a prominent place."
Supporting ADL Resource/Lesson Plan:  

Video Series

Our student coalition collected data on common incidents of bullying and wrote scripts and filmed a video series with Mr. Huerta and Ms, Boyce contrasting appropriate and inappropriate ways to treat each other in each of the top ten reported scenarios.

The series were broadcast during the morning announcements and can be seen on our campus YouTube channel.

Erasing Hate

The coalition hosted their 1st campus-wide event 10/5/2018. Erasing Hate was an activity we did several years ago and they felt it was time to bring it back. It is a simple, but powerful demonstration of the power of choosing kindness.

The student sub-committee created a "Wall of Hate" - an enormous panel of bullying, hateful, cruel statements. The wall is black and blue they explain, " a bruise, because words can hurt people."
They gathered a giant list of kind words and affirmations from every classroom and wrote them onto colored post-it notes - 1268 words! One for every child and adult in our campus community!
On Friday, they led each of our 52 classes to the wall and discussed the way we all can choose o replace hate and ugliness with kindness and beauty. They invited everyone to choose a kind word (offering reading assistance to our younger students} and then select a bullying word to "erase". 
During the course of the day, the entire school population could watch the Wall of Hate transform as each individual chose kindness.

The Resolution of Respect

Every tear we reaffirm our commitment to the principles of No Place For Hate by signing the Resolution of Respect.

This year we added it to our Back to School nights as a way to most effectively share these ideas and enlist the support of our parent partners!

No Place For Hate

I am Unique - 4/23/ 2018

We Love Piney Point - A Hug for Your School 2/14/2018

Resolution of Respect 

Kick-Off International Day of Peace

For our 6th annual launch event we selected a  book share. Our 4th grade coalition members selected two books; Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes  was chosen for Pre-K - 2nd grade and Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman was picked for 3rd - 5th grades. Both of the stories share an important part of the No Place For Hate Message. Chrysanthemum teaches us to be grateful for the things that make us unique - like our names, and to never tease people for their differences. Amazing Grace learns that other people may try to impose limits on her, but that she should stay true to her dreams and sense of self. She discovers that these barriers are a product of ignorance and that they can be torn down by perseverance. She can clear those obstacles for herself and others who will come after her.

No Place For Hate

Kick-Off - International Day of Peace

Every year we launch our No Place For Hate program on the International Day of Peace. This year's event was called, "Be a Piece of the Peace". The idea for a collaborative mural was inspired by a project at the Dallas Museum of Art and the work of artist Robert Silvers.

Piney Point No Place For Hate 1 from Kimberly Boyce-Quentin on Vimeo.

Our No Place For Hate student coalition organized, and managed the whole event! We are so proud of our 4th grade leaders for their outstanding work! They visited every classroom on campus and distributed envelopes full of little squares. They asked every student and staff member to write a word that symbolized peace, love, and respect and then draw an image that represented that idea in shades of one color.
They collected and sorted all the pieces and assembled them into the coalition's vision of a world without hate!

Resolution of Respect - Election Day 

Piney Point Is GREAT Because It's No Place For Hate - Video Project

Peace Rocks! - Earth Day - Walk the Path of Peace

Our Commitment

Piney Point is proud to be an ADL No Place for Hate campus for the 4th year. The program is designed to promote inclusive school communities and raise awareness of the problems caused by bigotry. We rejoice in our richly diverse student body! Every Panther is unique and should feel that their contributions are valued.
We introduce new programs and events every year to reinvigorate our campus commitment to tolerance and respect for individual differences.

Special Events:

International Day of Peace
This year's kickoff celebration was organized and managed by Ms. Giron & Ms. Aguilera's 4th grade G/T class. They started with the story of Sadako. They decided to create peace pledges and to hang 1000 origami cranes for the school.
They extended the project when they discovered the Peace Crane Project - an entity that matches schools around the world to share art projects. We set up an exchange with schools overseas and began collecting paper. As an Eco-School we try to reuse and reduce our material consumption whenever possible! Students practiced their origami and drafted model peace pledges.
The entire campus was invited to participate, and 1283 peace pledges were written and folded into cranes! The cranes were then strung together and left up on display for the rest of the day!

Resolution of Respect 

This is an annual school-wide event. Each year, every single member of our campus community is asked to take the time to read through the Resolution of Respect and signify their willingness to abide by its principles.

We had 100% again for 2015-16!

Reading Buddies
Upper grade students visited lower grade classes to read one-on-one. The students shared books that had a social focus and dealt with topics such as bullying, kindness, self-respect, respect for others, and socially acceptable behavior. This was an opportunity for our 4th and 5th grade leaders to share what they have learned from their own life experiences as well as their academic skills. Primary students enjoyed working with "big kids" and felt freer to ask questions about rules and the reasons behind policies.

Lunch Buddies
This program pairs upper elementary students with primary students. The older children serve as mentors to their "buddies". They physically assist them at lunch, answer questions, advise them and act as role models. This provides obvious, material benefits to the younger children, but is equally valuable to the mentors! They are given an authentic opportunity for leadership and the exercise of responsibility.