
Sunday, October 6, 2019

2019-20 STEAM Lab week 6

So much amazing happened at Piney Point this week!

I kicked off the week with the first meeting of the new Name That Book Teams,

followed 30 minute later by Ms. Ballentine’s 3rd graders presenting their work with Houston Ballet Master Teacher, Mr. Paul in the Dance to Learn program to the administration team.

Both groups did an amazing job!

Another set of classes got started on their new courses, were introduced to Wonderopolis, and explored the maker materials.

Houston Grand Opera’s Storybook Opera was on campus for four days presenting to all 28 of our PK-2nd grade classes. They LOVED the performances of The Dog Who Sang at The Opera! We are so grateful to be an Arts Connect campus and have such incredible Arts Partners!

Speaking of incredible Arts Partners, Thursday was Ms. Ballentine’s 3rd graders last session of Dance to Learn and they presented their science ballets on the outdoor stage. They created their own choreography (under Mr. Paul’s supervision!) to explain magnetism, polarization, attraction, repulsion, and other concepts related to forces. Again, we are extremely grateful for our partnership with Houston Ballet and treasure these opportunities to let our students learn from their artists.

Our Eco-Schools USA heroes were busy as well! Ms. Caro’s Green Heroes did a campus clean-up, Ms. Pham’s Monarch Heroes finished their wings, all 8 Monarch Hero classes made their ambassador butterflies and class folders for the Symbolic Migration to Mexico, the Recycling Team was out collecting, and Ms. Ballentine’s Water Wardens had new plants to tend to thanks to a generous donation from Joshua’s Native Plants!

Plant donation from Joshua's Native Plants collected by Ms. Ballentine (cat not included!)

We wrapped up with Free Build Friday!

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