
Saturday, September 30, 2017

17-18 Week 3

A thrilling 3rd week in the STEM lab! We hosted:
Ms. Aguilar’s Pre-K
Ms. Hernandez’s Kindergarten
Ms. James’ 2nd grade
Ms. Mallona’s 3rd grade
Ms. McGill’s 4th grade
Ms. Cain’s 5th grade

We were so pleased to welcome our Panther Parent Partners to school for Open House this week! PK-2 parents joined us on Tuesday evening and 3rd-5th grade families spent their Thursday evening in the classrooms!
Our No Place For Hate Coalition held our Resolution of Respect signing. See the gallery HERE
K-2nd Eco-Schools USA teams are really getting into gear! Kinder Green Heroes had their first campus clean-up and their Pumpkin Patches are thriving! 1st grade Monarch Heroes are getting their wings and getting ready for their annual Symbolic Migration with Journey North. 2nd grade Recycling teams are continuing their weekly collection and their education campaign as well. They made signs for all the classroom recycling bins and workrooms. See the monthly Panther Planet Pals update HERE.

In the STEM lab our Pre-K Sunflower Stars checked on the progress of our first sprouts, and were very excited to plant their own as well. We learned about how plants grow and their needs from Peep and BrainPOP Jr. and created sunflower art projects.
Ms. Hernandez’s Kindergarten Green Heroes gave up a day of their recess to work on saving the earth! They picked up litter and worked on their song. In they learned about bugs in code – how to find and fix them. We had a room full of eager digital exterminators! They were finding and fixing code bugs with ease by week’s end.
2nd graders designed a robot personal assistant to perform specific tasks. They also use these helpers to store their various username and password combinations! They made outstanding progress in this week!
3rd-5th grade worked on Idea Portraits inspired by Kobi Yanmada and Mae Besom’s charming book What Do You Do With an Idea? And got through the first several stages of their levelled courses.

Read all about the big week 3rd-5th grade had with their arts partners, Theater Under the Stars, Met Dance, and Main Street Theater this week on the AAI page!

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