
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Week Twelve Wrap-Up

This week was filled with amazing student leadership! Our whole student body took part in the campus election run by our poll judges from the Student Lighthouse team assisted by poll-workers from 4th & 5th grade G/T classes.

STEMlabwk12 from Kimberly Boyce-Quentin on Vimeo.

Students demonstrated personal leadership in STEM lab with impressive goals setting, respectful collaboration, and highly productive use of their time. This week the lab hosted Ms. Almanza, Ms. Montoya, Ms. Laws, Mr. Garza, Ms. Nelson, & Mr.Torres' classes.

Ms. Almanza's Kinder Eco-School Green Heroes donated recess time to pick up litter and completed 4 signs for their education campaign! This class made some impressive gains in their class this week and will be moving on to using the BeeBots in their next visit! We can also report that the Pumpkin Patch is thriving!

Ms. Montoya's class has made amazing progress in their class! They love the new hints format and the audio help. These tools are hugely beneficial to early English Language Learners! This class also signed up to join Ms. Leal & Ms. Thormodsgaard's classes as the PSA and education team for our Eco-Schools Green Hero Recycling Team!

Ms. Lugo's class put in their turn as Eco-Schools Green Hero Recycling Team on Wednesday. They enjoyed a free build day in celebration of National STEM Day on Tuesday! Ms. Laws' 2nd grade was introduced to Scratch programming language on Monday and by Friday they were programming their own games!

Mr. Garza's 3rd grade was thrilled to discover the new protractor tool in Course 2. The angles in the Artist stage were a little too challenging sometimes! This has made all the difference for them, and they are tearing through the puzzles now! They also got celebrate National STEM Day with a free build day. This group and Ms. Bailey's 3rd grade participated in the Bebras Challenge as well!

Ms. Giron & Ms. Nelson's 4th grades took the Bebras Challenge on Monday. Ms. Nelson's class also constructed some models to support their Mini Science Fair exhibit next week. They have taken on two Eco-Schools Green Hero leadership roles for the campus - Garden Guardians and Recycling managers for 4th & 5th grade. We are so proud of their initiative and civic spirit!

Mr. Torres' 5th grade spent Monday building up miles for Marathon Kids while Ms. Hatchell's class participated in the Bebras Challenge in the lab. They split their time between Course 3 (where they fell in love with the protractor tool as well!) and the Bebras Challenge. Next rotation will be all about building their cardboard arcade games and then hosting a Kindergarten play day!

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