We had a very smooth and fairly productive first
day of school. Everyone did a great job of following directions and living up to
expectations. I will be taking pictures of what we do this week and will post a
slide show on Friday or Saturday. The students set up their Math/Science, Reading/Writing and Homework Journals today. We worked through samples of all the various homework tasks so nothing should be unfamiliar. We also reviewed the weekly schedule and had an overview of most classroom activities. We will actually start doing some of the work tomorrow!Students were introduced to the various clubs and volunteer groups. I am hoping everyone will find a campus stewardship role that appeals to them. Please have them share some information with you about these opportunities.
Tomorrow your 4th grader will have a long list of user names and passwords to remember. Ask them to show you some of the programs we are using this year.
Thank you, and as always,
if you have any questions, please let me know.